((I wrote this over a year ago, and I didn’t share it at the
time. In typing it up from my notebook, It sounds pretty harsh, and yet, I am
not disagreeing with my words. I’ve referenced this many times when talking to
people, so I actually forgot it only lived in my notebook. I think it’s time I
put it out there for reference online. I’m going to keep the harsh tone. I must
have had attitude for a reason when I wrote it. Sometimes mental light bulbs
are like that.))
One of the best things to come to me with age is my
acceptance I can question everything and I need no permission. This state of
mind that allows me to ask “Why?” to the most basic of concepts -is the
liberation of mind. How this decision of mental freedom didn’t come to me
at 16, 19, 21, or even 30, I will never fully know. I just have theories. Maybe
everyone else has had this “question everything” permission for a long time and
that is why I’m finding it such a big deal -it’s new to me.
Well, relatively
speaking, but it’s growing. It stared by questioning kindness and if I’m not
Jesus, do I have to be kind to those that prove they don’t deserve my kindness?
And for the record, “Jesushood” is not a personal goal of mine. It was the
misappropriated use of the word forgiveness that a friend showed me this questionable belief
that the conscious decision to “forgive” could somehow fix a situation. Then I
suddenly saw the word as moot for many instances.
I think we humans have a bunch of things ass-backwards.

Yeah, NO.
Let’s say she could forgive him, what then? Does his
continual treatment of her make her feel anything pleasant? And since it’s the
biggest deal to me, I have to ask: What then happens to her self esteem? This
particular application of forgiveness creates a monster and a doormat.
And lets look at the core of what she said and ask, why
would she believe in forgiveness? Because just like everything in life, we are told
we have to be the personification of all these things, and not just accept it, but
believe it, be happy with it, and do it. Not only am I questioning things I
never did before, I’m questioning that I have to believe what I’m told to
Beep. Restart.
It is in the willingness to look at a word or emotion and
study it that allows me to conclude completely new information about it.
Brené Brown has done this with shame and vulnerability, shedding light on
things we think we are so familiar with. But when you begin to question these words
attached to feelings, you find more aspects to them that give rise to “what if
I say no?” And I’m not turning this into a refusal to forgive. I’m saying what
if forgiveness is not what a situation requires? Because what changes after
forgiving in a situation that cannot change after forgiveness is applied? The
only answer I can conclude is a LIE. The only thing that changes is that a
person is now lying to themselves.
In the need to be clear, I’m not talking about a situation where one person
said sorry after hurting another and then both move forward with the apology
and forgiveness applied. That IS how forgiveness should work. An apology, a
change, and new direction for BOTH. No need to stay in the past.
This also applies in the reverse when you don't want to have anything to do with a person, but they should apologize and DO. Go on,
allow change, forgive, and move forward feeling better. You don’t have to then
have them in your life, walking your new direction with you. No. But when
communication happens, and a person apologizes, accept it for your own benefit.
There is much power in an apology. EVEN IF you don’t want that person
apologizing to be talking to you again. You can still benefit from the apology
and move forward in forgiveness as it applies to YOUR benefit.
In a situation where forgiveness can’t be applied because a person is dead, or
no longer in your life, and no apology is being given…I would suggest that
forgiveness is still moot. What needs to happen there is you need to sensibly
look at the past and set it down, making the decision to move forward without
it in your hands. When change is impossible, change you. Set the past down.
Move on. Don’t walk backwards. Acknowledge you’ve crossed a bridge, and keep
In talking about the decision to use forgiveness as a way to
tell yourself you have done something that needed to happen in order for your
mental and emotional comfort…I am posing this idea that I can choose mental and
emotional comfort in the decision to move on without applying misappropriated
forgiveness. I have a feeling we are using this word in too many places where
we need more words.
I’m going to go ahead and say what I feel like I haven’t
been saying. If someone treated me in a way I shouldn’t have been treated and
it happened many times, (until they were either forced to stop or I removed
myself from the situation) if they didn’t affect or apply any change, is there
any point where my forgiveness does anything? Saying or feeling forgiveness would
only change the story in my head, which to be frank sounds like an unhealthy
story. Why not apply KNOWLEDGE instead of forgiveness? What if instead I
consciously say this person will never change, but I’m going to change the way
I see myself and the way I see them. I’m going to ACKNOWLEDGE the poor quality of
that human and acknowledge my greatness in my ability to move on. It’s not
forgiveness. It’s being WISE. It’s bigger and better than forgiveness because it
doesn’t make me a doormat. It insists I’m not. Nor does it invite the person to
remain in my life. Forgiveness as it is regularly misappropriated, is
permission to stay who they are and usually to stay in your life. No, THAT is
where the change needs to be taking place. Not the application of a non-applicable
word, just so you can pretend things are “all better”. Don’t forgive, be wise!
Wise to who they are, wise to what isn’t possible, wise to who you are, and
wise in a way that stops the situation your old self would be trying to apply
forgiveness to and then not benefiting from any change.
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